Monday, June 13, 2005

Fringe 2005 Ends! Long Live the Fringe!

Jackie Demaline has a nice closing article on this year's Fringe Festival which ended last night. I wish to personally thank those from Cincinnati Advance who represented our growing organization very well. I had fun myself volunteering, even when I wasn't on a shift I pressed myself into service to do a little bit of heavy lifting. Let me tell you, the bases for lighting beams are freaking heavy when you take them up a flight of stairs in the dying heat of Memorial Hall.

The shows were great, the performers where great, and it was best to be able to walk right up after a show and shake their hands and talk about it. That is the part of Fringe most people don't take advantage of, but that was there every night at the Bar Series. I went to all but 2 of the bar series events, and let me tell you, I am damn tired. I can't imagine how tired those who did 1,000 times more work during the Festival than I did feel.

I look forward to next year's event and hope those who came out to volunteer or see a show will be back next year and keep up their involvement with the Community. We would love to have you all take part in any or all of the Cincinnati Advance Activities.

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