Sunday, February 01, 2004

Foolish What Ifs

From the Enquirer's letters to the editor:
Rewind to 1936, and think 'what if'

If George W. Bush had been president in 1936 and done the same thing to Hitler as he did to Saddam Hussein, would we have averted World War II? Maybe so.

William Holiday,Crestview Hills
Ok William Holiday, what if George Bush was president in October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis? What would have happened? Well, with his plan of shoot first and worry about what's next later, we all would be dead or in my case never existed after nuclear war wiped our country from map. I think Mr. Holiday needs to find a better analogy. Going to Hitler is an example is as intellectually viable as going to Scooby-Doo.

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