Tuesday, December 02, 2003

If You Disrupt a Meeting, Will "They" Riot?

Well, another AP writer is giving Nate and his mini-cabal of racists/bigots attention. This time though it is reporting news that happened:
Monday night's regular meeting of the complaint panel was disrupted by four activists who demanded quick action.

"It's apparent that you don't know what you're supposed to be doing and what your authority is," said Nate Livingston Jr., a member of the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati, which promotes a boycott of the city.

"When they start fighting in the streets, you'll say, 'Why didn't you do it the right way? Why didn't you come to City Hall? Why didn't you trust us? Why didn't you talk to us?"

Police were called to escort Livingston and three others from the room when they continued to shout at the panel.
Ok, so what happened? Nate and Company were trying to copy Damon Lynch. Back in 2001 the riots were perpetuated by a group of people, led by Damon Lynch III, who raised a ruckus at a City Council Sub-Committee meeting the Monday after the Tim Thomas shooting. That night and the next two saw riots. It would appear Nate might have been trying to recreate the reaction that led to rioting. The problem here is that, well, no one but Nate follows Nate. Damon Lynch has a following, and packed council chambers 2 years ago. Here it was only Nate and 3 of the usual suspects.

I hope Terry Kinney of the AP understands that Nate represents no one but a handful of racists and bigots in the city. John Nolan of the AP should know this, but seems to want to help indirectly perpetuate hate groups.

I wonder if Damon Lynch has even been interviewed by the AP about this incident. I have seen sound bits from him on television news, so I can only assume he is willing to talk to the press. I strongly disagree with Damon Lynch, and I do think his actions or failure to act in certain instances helped lead to the 2001 riots, but his comments thus far on this incident have been reasoned, respectful, and to a degree fair. I would hope that he can spin the National Activists away from Cincinnati at this point. We don't need Jesse Jackson capitalizing on this event, although he has spoken about it already. I think Al Sharpton may stay out of Cincinnati for now. He seems to be trying to be more "statesmanlike" while running for President. I think he would have been on the next plane otherwise.

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