Monday, January 06, 2003

Nate Livingston's Nutty Ride Goes On
For some unknown reason, mostly likely an attention grab that I am all to happy to provide, Nate copied me in on this email he sent out, presumbably to several groups:
Subj: MLK III smear campaign
Date: 1/6/2003 6:45:48 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Nathaniel Livingston

Last Friday I was listening to my brother (Emanuel Livingston) hold it down on the Buzz.

A fellow named Paul (a well known racist) called in and said that Martin Luther King III was kicked out of the NAACP. This is a lie. For the record, Martin Luther King III has never been kicked out of the

John Schlagetter (fast becoming the new minister of MISinformation over Greg Korte) repeated this lie several times and then proceeded to embellish the original lie. John Schlagetter falsely claimed that he
knew the reason Martin Luther King III was kicked out of the NAACP: inability to raise funds for the organization.

We all know that John Schlagetter does not support the Cincinnati Boycott. We know that John Schlagetter prides himself on being well-informed and presenting factual information. So, I do not believe John
Schlagetter's presentation of false information about Martin Luther King III on the Buzz was a mistake. I believe John Schlagetter intentionally lied about Martin Luther King III's record with the NAACP in order to bolster his position against the Cincinnati

I also believe that this is further proof that John Schlagetter has no respect for Black people and the leaders we choose. John is angry that we can see the racist hiding behind that smiling face of his, and we
haven't selected HIM as our leader. That said, it is one thing for John Schlagetter to be jealous of, and hateful towards, local and national Black leaders. It is something altogether different for John Schlagetter to get on Black radio and tell lies about the son of
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr!

Wake up Black people. We have to stop letting white people, like John Schlagetter, come into our community, tell lies about our leaders, and not be held accountable! (We also ought to do something about people like Peter Bronson, Denise Smith-Amos, Greg Flannery and Kathy Y. Wilson who use newspapers to spread their lies and misinformation.)

John Schlagetter and the Buzz both owe Martin Luther King III and his family a public apology for telling such a malicious lie about him. I ask you to join me in making that happen.

Nathaniel Livingston, Jr.
Now this email is nothing new. Nate is out to discredit John Schlagetter for some bigoted/racist reason. What is a shocker is that Nate did not include me with his list of local media pundits that have correctly attacked him and his partner in racism Amanda Mayes for their repeated blunders as human beings. I guess I don't rate with the professionals. My amateur status is still intact.

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